Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Wordlover Wednesday: Parnassian

Todays Wordlover Word is...

Parnassian (pahr-NAS-ee-uhn)
Adjective- Of or relating to poetry.
Earliest Documented Use- 1565

Discover more about this word here:

Monday, October 28, 2013

YA Review: Time After Time by Tamara Ireland Stone

Title: Time After Time (Time Between Us #2)
Author: Tamara Ireland Stone
# of Pages: 368
Publisher: Disney Hyperion
Publication Date: October 8th 2013
Source: NetGalley
Level: Young Adult
Rating: 5 Hearts


Calling Anna and Bennett’s romance long distance is an understatement: she’s from 1995 Chicago and he’s a time traveler from 2012 San Francisco. The two of them never should have met, but they did. They fell in love, even though they knew they shouldn't. And they found a way to stay together, against all odds. 

It’s not a perfect arrangement, though, with Bennett unable to stay in the past for more than brief visits, skipping out on big chunks of his present in order to be with Anna in hers. They each are confident that they’ll find a way to make things work...until Bennett witnesses a single event he never should have seen (and certainly never expected to). Will the decisions he makes from that point on cement a future he doesn't want?

Told from Bennett’s point of view, Time After Time will satisfy readers looking for a fresh, exciting, and beautifully-written love story, both those who are eager to find out what’s next for Time Between Us's Anna and Bennett and those discovering their story for the first time.

My Verdict    

TIME BETWEEN US was one of my favorite books of 2012, at the time I wasn't sure if it was a standalone or if there would be another. The story ended nicely and could easily stand on its own but I just wasn't ready to let go of Anna & Bennett. I crossed my fingers and hoped for more!! Thankfully Tamara soon announced that there would be a book two, TIME AFTER TIME, and I was beyond ecstatic. Even more so when I learned it was going to be told from Bennett's point-of-view. I LOVE Bennett, he is one of the greatest guys in contemporary fiction.

The story transitioned to Bennett's point-of-view so seamlessly I forgot the first book had been told by Anna. The best part about this book was getting to see more of the details about when Bennett travels. From Anna's perspective, POOF, he's just gone, but this way we got to see more of what exactly Bennett has to go through each time he travels.

One of the many things I love about these books is that there is nothing objectionable; no swears, no sex, no drugs. The characters are sweet, the romance is sweeter and family is a big part of the story. I love that Anna has a healthy relationship with her parents and while Bennett's family relationships might be a little more strained, they still love each other so much, which is refreshing to see in YA.

Overall, an amazing sequel to an amazing series. Seriously if you haven't read these yet, I'm not sure we can be friends. . . okay I guess we can ;)  but you should still go read them! Two of the BEST contemporary books I've ever read!

Breathtaking Book Cover: You Believers by Jane Bradley

I usually stick to YA and MG covers but this one was just too pretty to pass up!

Todays Breathtaking Book Cover is...

You Believers
Jane Bradley

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Quote of the Week: Shatter Me (2)

Quote of the Week is a new segment where I will be sharing some of my favorite quotes, whether they be from books or just something I find inspiring.

"Raindrops are my only reminder that clouds have a heartbeat. That I have one, too." 

-Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Shuffle Saturday 23: 100 Years

Shuffle Saturdays is hosted by the girls at Pretty In Fiction, where you post a random song from your ipod each week

This weeks song is . . .

This is one of those songs that has been around for awhile yet I never seem to get sick of it. I fall in love with it all over again each time I hear it. The videos rather boring, there's so much to work with in those lyrics they really could have done better.

More about Five for Fighting:
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Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Wordlover Wednesday: Poiesis

It's time for another segment of "Wait, There's a Word for That!" Where I'll share crazy words for things you never would of dreamed existed. 

Poiesis (po-EE-siss) - creative power; creation

Monday, October 21, 2013

MG Review: This Journal Belongs to Ratchet by Nancy J. Cavanaugh

Title: This Journal Belongs to Ratchet
Author: Nancy J. Cavanaugh
# of Pages: 320
Publisher: Sourcebooks Jabberwocky
Publication Date: April 2nd 2013
Source: Borrowed
Level: Middle Grade
Rating: 5 Hearts


If only getting a new life were as easy as getting a new notebook.
But it's not.

It's the first day of school for all the kids in the neighborhood. But not for me. I'm homeschooled. That means nothing new. No new book bag, no new clothes, and no friends – old or new. The best I've got is this notebook. I'm supposed to use it for my writing assignments, but my dad never checks. Here's what I'm really going to use it for:

Ratchet's Top Secret Plan
Project Goal: turn my old, recycled, freakish, friendless, motherless life into something shiny and new.

This year, I'm going make something change.

My Verdict

I was immediately put off by this book within the first few pages when it talked about homeschoolers having no friends and getting an A+ on a paper when she just wrote the same sentence over and over. As someone who was homeschooled k – 12th grade, I always get angry when people assume we sit around doing nothing all day and are some kind of friendless hermits. I had plenty of friends growing up and worked super hard on my schoolwork. Now that I’ve gotten that little rant out of the way...

I loved the unique structure in which this story was written. Not only is it through Ratchets journal but it’s her social studies journal, which is formatted into different writing assignments like poetry, letter, fairytale, review, etc… I found this to be a very unique and interesting structure. At first I thought the fact that the whole book is in a funky, handwritten font would drive me up a wall, but your eyes adjust after awhile. 

Once I was able to get past the stereotypical view of homeschoolers and the awful handwritten font, I really did fall in love with the story. Ratchet is a very likable main character who is learning how to deal with her embarrassing father, finding out about her absent mother and what it really means to be a friend. This is one of those middle grade stories that will be enjoyed by all ages. I highly recommend it!

Breathtaking Book Cover: One Crow Alone by S.D. Crockett

Todays Breathtaking Book Cover is . . .

One Crow Alone
S.D. Crockett

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Quote of the Week: Insurgent

Quote of the Week is a new segment where I will be sharing some of my favorite quotes, whether they be from books or just something I find inspiring.

"The Truth is too powerful to remain caged." 

-Insurgent by Veronica Roth

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Shuffle Saturday 22: What Makes You Beautiful Acoustic

Shuffle Saturdays is hosted by the girls at Pretty In Fiction, where you post a random song from your ipod each week. 

This weeks song is . . .

This song needs no introduction. I'm sure you've all heard it whether you wanted to or not LoL ;)
However, it is the acoustic version which I think is even better than the original <3 I don't know what it is about acoustic performances but I almost always like them better than the CD.

More One Direction:

Thursday, October 17, 2013

YA Review: Find Me by Romily Bernard

Title: Find Me
Author: Romily Bernard
# of Pages: 307
Publisher: HarperTeen
Publication Date: September 24th 2013
Source: ARC from Goodreads
Level: Young Adult
Rating: 4 Hearts


“Find Me.”

These are the words written on Tessa Waye’s diary. The diary that ends up with Wick Tate. But Tessa’s just been found . . . dead.

Wick has the right computer-hacking skills for the job, but little interest in this perverse game of hide-and-seek. Until her sister Lily is the next target.

Then Griff, trailer-park boy next door and fellow hacker, shows up, intent on helping Wick. Is a happy ending possible with the threat of Wick’s deadbeat dad returning, the detective hunting him sniffing around Wick instead, and a killer taunting her at every step?

Foster child. Daughter of a felon. Loner hacker girl. Wick has a bad attitude and sarcasm to spare.

But she’s going to find this killer no matter what.

Because it just got personal.

My Verdict

I picked this up with the intention of just reading a few chapters before bed but once I started I couldn't put it down!! The story hooks you right away with a tension filled opening scene that keeps you flipping pages, honestly, until the very end.

I liked Wick, she had been through so much and was so fragile on the inside yet tough as nails on the outside. She keeps a lot of secrets thinking that she needs to deal with everything alone. That is, until Griffin. Griffin is really the only person Wick lets into her life, letting him see the good and the bad. He's also the only person Wick will ask for help. 

I thought their relationship was really cute. They have been sort of friends for awhile but Wick is always hiding who she really is. It's not until circumstances bring them together that they start falling for each other. Plus their witty banter was great. 

A lot of reviews I read beforehand said how predictable this book was and how they guessed the bad guy right from the start but I don't see how. The author did such a great job of making you doubt everyone, even those who didn't match what little evidence Wick did have. Yes, I may have guessed who it was at one point but my opinion was constantly changing.

What an intense ending! I love when books finish with a bang! I was sitting in bed at 1:45am tearing through the last few chapters. My heart started pounding out of my chest when the culprit was finally revealed and didn't stop until the book was over. 

One thing's for sure, Romily Bernard definitely left a mark on the YA suspense scene. I can't wait to see how the characters continue to develop, especially Wick & Griffins relationship in book 2, Remember Me

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Wordlover Wednesday: Orchesis

It's been a LONG time since I did a Wordlover Wednesday post and I've really missed it! Hopefully this will become a weekly meme again. 

Todays Wordlover Word is . . .

Orchesis (awr-KEE-siss)

Noun- the act of dancing; a rhythmical moving of the body.

GIF Via:

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Quote of the Week: The Fault In Our Stars (1)

Quote of the Week is a new segment where I will be sharing some of my favorite quotes, whether they be from books or just something I find inspiring.

"The world is not a wish-granting factory." 

-The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Shuffle Saturday 21: Unapologize

Shuffle Saturdays is hosted by the girls at Pretty In Fiction, where you post a random song from your ipod each week. 

This weeks song is . . .

This is one of the few Carrie Underwood songs still on my ipod. All the songs played on the radio have been played to death and I had to remove them, since this one never went to radio I still love it =)

More Carrie Underwood:

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

YA Review: Audacious by Gabrielle Prendergast

Title: Audacious
Author: Gabrielle Prendergast
# of Pages: 
Publisher: Orca
Publication Date: October 1st 2013
Source: Provided by author in exchange for honest review
Level: Young Adult
Rating: 2.5 Hearts


Sixteen year old Raphaelle is that girl who says the wrong thing, who crosses the wrong person, who has the wrong hair, the wrong body, the wrong attitude, the totally wrong clothes. She can’t do anything right, except draw, but she draws the wrong pictures. When her father moves the family to a small prairie city, Raphaelle wants to leave behind the misfit rebel, the outcast, the vengeful trouble-maker she was. Reborn as “Ella,” she plans fit in at her new school, while her perfect younger sister goes to the Catholic girls’ school and her emotionally fragile mother looks for a job.

But Ella might just be a different kind of misfit. She’s drawn to a brooding boy in her art class, Samir, and expresses her confused feelings in an explicit artwork. When a classmate texts a photo of Ella’s art to a younger friend, the horrendous fallout spreads though Ella’s life like an uncontrollable disease. Ella is expelled from school and faces pornography charges, her mother is hospitalized, her sister fails all her classes, and her distant father finally notices something is wrong.

My Verdict

I don't know if you guys remember or if you followed my blog back then, but I actually interviewed author, Gabrielle Prendergast last year as part of my Novels In Verse Reading Challenge (which can be read here). Point being, I have been waiting for this book to come out for a long time! I'm so grateful to Gabrielle for providing me with an ARC for review purposes.

Being an artist myself, I thought it would be easy for me to connect with and understand Ella. Unfortunately, this didn't happen. I just couldn't see where she was coming from at all. Including a naked picture of herself in a school art show and frankly, not caring what happened in response. The thing is, it seemed like this wasn't the first time Ella had done something like that. I got the impression that her artwork had caused problems before. I feel like she just wanted the attention, whether good or bad and didn't really think of how her decisions affected others.

Her love interest, Samir, is also an artist but again, I just wasn't able to connect with him either. For a main character, he felt really distant to me throughout the whole book.

Religion is also a large topic in this story. Ella's family is Catholic, while  Samir's family is Muslim. Both characters are struggling with their faith, what they believe, who they believe in, or if they even believe anything at all. Personally, I didn't like the way religion was portrayed as this burden that both characters were trying to escape from. However, I respected the fact that the author didn't shy away from religion like most YA books do.

While this book wasn't a good match for me, I do think a lot of others will enjoy it. Especially fans of Ellen Hopkins and other books with heavier, more controversial subject matter.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Shuffle Saturday 20: Steal Your Heart

Shuffle Saturdays is hosted by the girls at Pretty In Fiction, where you post a random song from your ipod each week. 

This song is my new obsession, I can't stop listening. 

More from Augustanta:
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Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Book News: October Releases!!!

My list of most anticipated October releases. What's on your list??


Hereafter (Shadowlands #2) by Kate Brian

Rory Miller thought her life was over when a serial killer set his sights on her and forced her into witness protection. But a fresh start on Juniper Landing Island was exactly what she and her family needed. For the first time in years she and her sister hang out at the beach, gossip about boys, and party together. She's also made friends with a local clique--including a magnetic and mysterious boy named Tristan.

But Rory's world is about to change again. Picturesque Juniper Landing isn't what it seems. The truth about the swirling fog that rolls in each morning, the bridge that leads to nowhere, and those beautiful locals who seem to watch Rory's every move is more terrifying than being hunted by Steven Nell. And all Rory ever wanted was the truth. Even if it means learning that she can never go home again. From the best-selling author of the Private and Privilege series comes the second novel in a heart-stopping trilogy about a girl who must pick up the pieces after the only life she's ever known ends.

The Rule of Thirds by Chantel Guertin

Sixteen-year-old Pippa Greene never goes anywhere without her camera. She and her best friend/supermodel-in-training Dace long ago mapped out their life plan: Pippa will be the noted fashion photographer, and Dace the cover girl. But ever since last spring, things have changed for Pippa—and her junior year at Spalding High proves to have its own set of challenges. Not only is Vantage Point, the statewide photography competition, in three short weeks, but her mandatory volunteering placement lands her at St. Christopher’s Hospital, a place Pippa never wanted to set foot in again. 

With humor and pluck, she navigates her new role as a candy striper (watch out for Code Yellows), her changing relationship with her best friend (goodbye, Honesty Pact), and—perhaps most stressful of all—her new love interests (yes, love interests plural). 

Will Pippa make it to Vantage Point without having a panic attack? Will either one of the guys prove less sketchy than her last boyfriend? Can she and Dace figure out a way to dream big and be best friends? One thing is certain: real life is a lot more complicated than a photograph.

Made of Stars by Kelley York

When eighteen-year-old Hunter Jackson and his half sister, Ashlin, return to their dad’s for the first winter in years, they expect everything to be just like the warmer months they’d spent there as kids. And it is—at first. But Chance, the charismatic and adventurous boy who made their summers epic, is harboring deep secrets. Secrets that are quickly spiraling into something else entirely.

The reason they've never met Chance’s parents or seen his home is becoming clearer. And what the siblings used to think of as Chance's quirks—the outrageous stories, his clinginess, his dangerous impulsiveness—are now warning signs that something is seriously off.

Then Chance's mom turns up with a bullet to the head, and all eyes shift to Chance and his dad. Hunter and Ashlin know Chance is innocent...they just have to prove it. But how can they protect the boy they both love when they can’t trust a word Chance says?


Time After Time (Time Between Us #2) by Tamara Ireland Stone
(Note: I've already read this one and it was AMAZING! 5 star review coming soon)

Calling Anna and Bennett’s romance long distance is an understatement: she’s from 1995 Chicago and he’s a time traveler from 2012 San Francisco. The two of them never should have met, but they did. They fell in love, even though they knew they shouldn't. And they found a way to stay together, against all odds.

It’s not a perfect arrangement, though, with Bennett unable to stay in the past for more than brief visits, skipping out on big chunks of his present in order to be with Anna in hers. They each are confident that they’ll find a way to make things work...until Bennett witnesses a single event he never should have seen (and certainly never expected to). Will the decisions he makes from that point on cement a future he doesn't want?

Told from Bennett’s point of view, Time After Time will satisfy readers looking for a fresh, exciting, and beautifully-written love story, both those who are eager to find out what’s next for Time Between Us's Anna and Bennett and those discovering their story for the first time.

Bang (Visions #2) by Lisa McMann

Jules should be happy. She saved a lot of people’s lives and she’s finally with Sawyer, pretty much the guy of her dreams. But the nightmare’s not over, because she somehow managed to pass the psycho vision stuff to Sawyer. Excellent.

Feeling responsible for what he’s going through and knowing that people’s lives are at stake, Jules is determined to help him figure it all out. But Sawyer’s vision is so awful he can barely describe it, much less make sense of it. All he can tell her is there’s a gun, and eleven ear-splitting shots. Bang.

Jules and Sawyer have to work out the details fast, because the visions are getting worse and that means only one thing: time is running out. But every clue they see takes them down the wrong path. If they can’t prevent the vision from happening, lives will be lost. And they may be among the casualties…

COMING OCTOBER 15th . . . 

The Vow by Jessica Martinez

No one has ever believed that Mo and Annie are just friends. How can a guy and a girl really be best friends?

Then the summer before senior year, Mo’s father loses his job, and by extension his work visa. Instantly, life for Annie and Mo crumbles. Although Mo has lived in America for most of his life, he’ll be forced to move to Jordan. The prospect of leaving his home is devastating, and returning to a world where he no longer belongs terrifies him.

Desperate to save him, Annie proposes they tell a colossal lie—that they are in love. Mo agrees because marrying Annie is the only way he can stay. Annie just wants to keep her best friend, but what happens when it becomes a choice between saving Mo and her own chance at real love?

COMING OCTOBER 22nd . . . 

Allegiant (Divergent #3) by Veronica Roth

One choice will define you.

What if your whole world was a lie?
What if a single revelation—like a single choice—changed everything?
What if love and loyalty made you do things you never expected?

The faction-based society that Tris Prior once believed in is shattered—fractured by violence and power struggles and scarred by loss and betrayal. So when offered a chance to explore the world past the limits she’s known, Tris is ready. Perhaps beyond the fence, she and Tobias will find a simple new life together, free from complicated lies, tangled loyalties, and painful memories.

But Tris’s new reality is even more alarming than the one she left behind. Old discoveries are quickly rendered meaningless. Explosive new truths change the hearts of those she loves. And once again, Tris must battle to comprehend the complexities of human nature—and of herself—while facing impossible choices about courage, allegiance, sacrifice, and love.

Told from a riveting dual perspective, Allegiant, by #1 New York Times best-selling author Veronica Roth, brings the Divergent series to a powerful conclusion while revealing the secrets of the dystopian world that has captivated millions of readers in Divergent and Insurgent.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Novels in Verse Reading Challenge: October Linky List!

September Recap:
I am so far behind on writing reviews it's not even funny. I did read a verse novel in September, AUDACIOUS by Gabrielle Prendergast, I just haven't finished my review yet... Hopefully it will be up sometime this week, so keep an eye out! 

Link up those fantabulous reviews:

1. Audacious {Pinkindle}  2. Audacious by Gabrielle Prendergast (BornBookish)  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)