Welcome to the Wordlover Wednesday archive. Below you will find all the weird, silly, crazy, fun, wonderful words that have been featured on my blog as part of Wordlover Wednesday :) Just click on a word to go back to its original post.
Risorial (rih-ZAWR-ee-uk) - Producing laughter
Lollygag (lah-li-gaeg) - Spend time aimlessley; idle
Collywobbles (kale-wabelz) - Butterflies in the stomach; intense anxiety or nervousness
Kerfuffle (ker-fe-fal) - Commotion of fuss, esp. one caused by conflicting views
Halcyon (HAL-ss-uh n) - Happy, sunny, care-free
Gardyloo (gar-de-lu) - A warning shouted before throwing water from above
Taradiddle (tar-uh-DID-l) - A pretty lie; pretentious nonsense
Schwarmerei (shver-muh-RY) - Extravagant enthusiasm; excessive sentimentality
Plursignification (ploo-ri-sig-ni-fi-KAY-shuhn) - The use of a word to convey multiple meanings at the same time.
Tintinnabulation (tin-tin-nab-u-la-tion) - A ringing or tinkling sound
Billet-Doux (bil-let-doux) - A love letter
Lulu (LOO-loo) - A remarkable person, idea of thing.
Suss (suhs) - To inspect, investigate, or to figure out.
Naff (naf) - Very unstylish or unsophisticated
Histrionics (his-tree-ON-iks) - Melodramatic or hysterical behavior calculated for effect.
Pangloss (PAN-glos) - One who is optimistic regardless of the circumstances
Micawber (mih-KAW-buhr) - An eternal optimist
Mitty (MIT-ee) - An ordinary, timid person who indulges in daydreams involving great adventures and triumphs.
Cantankerous (kan-TANG-kuhr-uhs) - Difficult to deal with: ill-tempered, quarrelsome.
Micawber (mih-KAW-buhr) - An eternal optimist
Mitty (MIT-ee) - An ordinary, timid person who indulges in daydreams involving great adventures and triumphs.
Cantankerous (kan-TANG-kuhr-uhs) - Difficult to deal with: ill-tempered, quarrelsome.
Abibliophobia - The Fear of running out of reading material
Arachibutyrophobia - Fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth
Omphalophobia - Fear of belly buttons
Xanthophobia - Fear of the color yellow
Somniphobia - Fear of sleep
Textophobia - Fear of certain fabrics
Qualtagh - The first person you see after leaving your house
Pandiculation - Stretching and yawning before going to bed or after waking up
Petrichor - The smell of rain on the dry ground
Abliguration - Excessive spending on food and drink
Agelast - A person who never laughs
Cruciverbalist - One who loves doing crossword puzzles
Cachinnation - Loud or hysterical laughter
Sabrage - the act of opening a bottle with a sabre
Anopisthography - The practice of writing on one side of the paper
Eccedentesiast - One who fakes a smile, as on television
Concilliabule - A secret meeting of people who are hatching a plot
Brontide - The low rumbler of distant thunder
Estrapade - The action of a horse trying to dismount its rider
Mondegreen - A word of phrase resulting from mishearing a word or phrase, especially in song lyrics.
Brontide - The low rumbler of distant thunder
Estrapade - The action of a horse trying to dismount its rider
Mondegreen - A word of phrase resulting from mishearing a word or phrase, especially in song lyrics.
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